
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Job Update and Some Bold and Brazen Phone Interviewees

So I got a temporary gig as a recruiter again until July.  I now recruit for industrial positions and am learning a lot.  Most of my job is doing phone interviews and fixing resumes. Can't say I'm great at it yet--- quite a bit different from the accounting, finance and office positions I used to do.  Since I'm not technically permanently employed, I don't consider myself done with the job search and there is never a guarantee that temp work turns full-time which stinks.  In most cases, it doesn't, unless the company really does have the budget to bring on more staff.  Being employed, even temporarily is good for a few reasons:

  1. I now have a semblance of a paycheck so we don't have to keep digging into savings for the time-being.
  2. I have some new motivation to keep learning about finding full-time employment since my job isn't permanent.  It's typically easier to find a job if you have a job--- but not always.
  3. Searching for jobs is draining the longer you do it.  So being employed makes me a lot more creative, confident and thoughtful in other areas of my life.  If only it would make me better about cleaning my kitchen!  Today I found a bowl of peas in my microwave that had been there for two days and smelled a bit like a puddle of unknown sludge at the dog park.
  4. I'm getting natural ideas for this blog since I talk to job seekers all day. 
  5. My puppy has a more involved mom who is happier at the end of the day now.
 Anyone else have any feedback on temp work as an option for employment?

Bold and Brazen Interviewees

Here are a few recent funny answers from a few people I interviewed.  Clearly, they aren't intimidated by an interview:

Me: Describe your ability to back up a tractor trailer.
Candidate: Miss Kaaren, I can bahck up that trailer past yo' couch, into yo' kitchen, around the island between the refr-i-dger-a-ter.  You betta' believe it!

What precision!  I have a great visual of his abilities.  I told him so and we both laughed.

Me: Describe your ability to work with grocery or perishables.
Candidate: Well, s&@*^ Miss Kaaren.  I can go into a grocery store and buy food to eat before it perishes!
Swearing is as natural to these kinds of phone interviews as pickles and peanut butter are to pregnant women, as common water is for fish, and as frequent as stretching the truth is to politicians.  :)

Oh, these ones were fun to interview.  I thanked them for making my day. I hope you found these as funny as I do.

Have you ever gotten an answer to a question you weren't expecting?  

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous cartoons, Kaaren. I forsee a great graphic novel in your future. In the meantime, keep pounding the pavement to keep some job security. See you at the next writing group meeting.
    Dan Smith
